What Would You Wish For?

Writing the first post is notoriously daunting, here goes...
'If you were to have one wish, what would it be?'
I'm sure you have all been asked this question at some point, and I presume your replies might have gone something like this: 'ooh I dunno,A big house or to end world hunger?'  Or maybe you would be inclined towards the 'An everlasting tub of Skittles!' But ,Whatever Floats you boat?!
I think your answer can show a lot about you, are you kind and giving? Caring and Loyal?
Seeing that this is a good ice-breaker ,
I thought that it would be appropriate for my first post?
So this is a few things I might say...

-End anything causing unhappiness and stress, be it mental health issues, life changing disability or   just unfortunate events(-I used to read that series all the time!) to just disappear -Poof!

-To be able to afford to treat my parents to things like holidays, just as they have done for me.

-A house made of cookies. Now I'm not just talking 10cmX10cm here, I'm talking a HOUSE to live in.
Just imagine you are binge watching your favourite show and could really could do with a snack, but the treck to the fridge feels like a mile ,and just nibble on the chocolate chip wall?!

-A completely free Sephora Spree (-No poetry intended Haha) Because who doesn't? And Lord knows I can't afford to buy the complete Sweet Peach Collection on my own...

-Travel. I have seen countless Travel blogs (shout out to VickyFlipFlopTravels , I am Aileen and Teacake Travel!) These wonderful blogs have really inspired me to broaden my horizons and Explore!

-To really perfect this blog and to use it to spread positivity and good vibes.
So that's enough about me!

I just have one question for you,
If you had one wish, What would you wish for?
I would love to see to your comments!

Lots of Love

LucyLady xxx

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